Rev. Travis Ewton


Rev. Travis Ewton


Rev. Travis Ewton began serving as the pastor of Calumet UMC and Red Rock UMC in June 2017.  He has more than 10 years ministry experience and is in the process of becoming ordained in the United Methodist Church. Rev. Ewton earned his bachelor's degree from Northeastern State University and his Masters of Divinity from Phillips Theological Seminary.

If his outlook on ministry could be summed up in a single phrase, it would be “Love God, Love Others, Love Life.” A central component to Rev. Ewton’s ministry is Romans 8:38-39, which states that all people are deeply loved by God no matter what. This, combined with Jesus’ command to love God and love others as we love ourselves, drives Rev. Ewton to welcome all who walk within the church’s doors.

Rev. Ewton has been married to his wife Meagan since 2004, and the couple welcomed their daughter Jocelyn in 2007. The family also has two energetic dogs, Ariel and Honey.


If you would like to speak to the pastor concerning: spiritual or religious questions, baptism or church membership, prayer needs, to schedule a hospital or in-home visit, or to setup a time for a pastoral consultation, please contact the pastor's office at (405) 893-2259.